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Nathan Walker

Nate Walker is an international speaker, storytelling coach, author, trainer, sales accelerator, and a certified Habit Finder™ Coach from the Og Mandino Leadership Institute. He has coached thousands of people on several continents in business storytelling, presentation skills, sales, web analytics, and digital marketing. Nathan works with individuals, community groups, leading universities, and with companies such as Apple, CBS Sports, Sony, Disney, Honda, Adobe, Microsoft, Chicago Tribune, Telstra, SoftBank, GM, and many more.

Nathan has also managed global internal training and enablement programs for Inc. 100 and Fortune 500 companies, and is one of the most prolific web analytics trainers in the world. His Power Presentation Skills™, Hole In the Donut™, and Keys To Discovery™ workshops have been delivered on four continents, and he is widely recognized as a thought leader in the creative application of analytics, targeting, and reporting. He is the inventor of Social Enablement™ and Tribal Enablement™.

Nathan’s great passion is changing the way organizations think about their audience, and as a result, the way they tell their story. The results have been dramatic: millions of dollars in new revenue, greater participation, and better customer retention. One VP of a Fortune 500 company said, “[Nathan] has singlehandedly transformed my entire organization.”

An international speaker, storytelling coach, author, trainer, sales accelerator, and a certified Habit Finder™ Coach