Kevin Doyle Jones
I am a co-founder of the Community Equity Fund, providing friends and family funding for Black and brown entrepreneurs who don’t have a rich uncle. We’ve raised our first million and are deploying capital where I live and are in talks to expand to two other cities. We give expansion venture philanthropy equity to sole proprietors to expand to become job creators and become eligible for CDFI loans after they pay back the fund through revenue share.
I’m good at building businesses based on low friction collective intelligence pattern recognition within a community. We build a community where our business can survive and thrive. As I’ve gotten older I’ve become good at nurturing and helping younger entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life, staying engaged for two to five years, as an investor or co-founder.
Specialties: Repeated success in early market businesses, telling the story that builds the field and builds my business along with it. Building a community in which my business can thrive. A wandering community journalist who starts businesses. I began my career with seven years as a country weekly newspaper editor in the poorest county in Mississippi.I have two children and two grandsons and live on a farm by a river in North Carolina.