Gillian Muessig
Gillian Muessig is the CEO of Outlines Venture Group and Managing Director of the Mastersfund™, a gender-lens venture capital fund based in Seattle, WA. and was a co-founder of Moz, the world’s most popular provider of digital marketing software. In addition to serving on dozens of Boards of Directors and Advisors worldwide, Gillian has served as an advisor to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, U.S. State Department, SwissContact, and other private and government entrepreneurship programs.
Gillian speaks globally on the financial benefits of Structured Equity and gender lens investing for investors, entrepreneurs, and the communities in which they operate, as well as the impact of global trends on startup activity. With Anne Kennedy, Gillian hosts a weekly radio podcast, VC Confidential, designed to rip the lid off the opaque world of venture capital and explore emerging capitalization options to spur growth and increase sustainability. The show is available at WMR.fm, Apple podcasts and other streaming services. Over more than three decades, Gillian has helped thousands of companies to launch, grow, thrive, and exit.