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Stephanie Geller

Stephanie Geller is the Founder and Director of Community Wealth Builders and works passionately to foster an ecosystem more supportive of community wealth building models and local-, minority-, and cooperatively-owned businesses in Baltimore. She also is the Co-Founder and Director of the nation’s first locally-focused grassroots crowdfunding platform, the Maryland Neighborhood Exchange, which aims to foster a more sustainable, robust, and resilient local economy by expanding investment crowdfunding across the state.

Previously, Stephanie worked at the University of Maryland School of Social Work, where she focused on promoting community wealth building strategies and models. In this role, she created and co-taught with faculty from the UMD business and law schools the first-ever, joint MSW, MBA, and JD graduate-level class, which engaged students in analyzing opportunities for new business development based on anchor institution procurement. Stephanie's previous nonprofit experience includes nearly fifteen years as a Research Project Manager at Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Civil Society Studies, where she managed, oversaw, and coordinated all facets of the Center’s two major research projects focused on U.S. nonprofit organizations. Stephanie received her MSW with a specialization in Social and Community Development from the University of Maryland School of Social Work has a BS in Urban and Regional Studies from Cornell University, and completed public policy training at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.

Founder & Director of Community Wealth Builders