Cara Goldenberg
Cara Goldenberg is an Investor with a focus on global opportunities across asset classes. She has 20+ years of investment experience focusing on opportunities through the lens of best-in-class, entrepreneurial management teams, spanning public, private and startup equity. In 2008, Ms. Goldenberg founded Permian Investment Partners, a global long-short equity hedge fund. During that period, she served on multiple boards, including EI Towers, whose acquisition by Mediaset she led in 2011 (later acquired by f2i SgR). Prior to Permian, she served as Brahman Capital’s director of research and youngest promoted partner at 25. She began her career at Morgan Stanley in its Private Equity division, Morgan Stanley Capital Partners. In 2017 she received Columbia Business Schools Investment Management Mentorship Award, which annually recognizes an investment management professional who has exhibited outstanding investment acumen and strong mentorship within the investment management industry. Ms. Goldenberg graduated with honors from Yale University with a degree in Chemistry in 2002 and attended Stuyvesant High School in New York City.