SuperCrowdLA is shaping up to be the biggest and best in-person event in SuperCrowd history! Use the discount code SUPER20 to save 20 percent! Register now at

SuperCrowdHour August 2023

August 16, 2023 at 1:00 PM Eastern

How to Start Investing for Impact With $100

Learn how you can start investing for impact, making a difference in your community and the world with just $100. Featuring KingsCrowd's Léa Bouhelier-Gautreau.

Learn how to:

  • Invest in local businesses

  • Support social entrepreneurs

  • Back diverse founders

Register below for just $10!



  • Register using the form at the right. If you have a discount code, you will want to enter that on the screen that prompts you for your credit card.

  • If you enter the discount code in the discount code field on the form and it doesn't work, it likely means that the discount code has been used up.

  • Check with the person who provided the code to see if they have another code you can use.

Register Now!