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Jill Fahlgren

Jill Fahlgren, Founder of The Possible Life, Inc., is committed to helping professionals realize their full potential to achieve personal, career, and organizational goals. She is passionate about partnering with leaders to increase self-awareness, enhance their leadership skills, and create authentic alignment between person and profession.

Specializing in leadership development, team development, and intentional career management, Jill has coached executives, emerging to experienced leaders, and teams across industries and sectors in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Whether working with individuals, teams, or groups, she helps them clearly assess the gap between where they are and where they want to be and successfully navigate the path to get there. Clients appreciate Jill’s ability to question, challenge, and support, when necessary, to guide them to break-through results, increasing their effectiveness, impact, and contribution. The transformative nature of her work allows her clients to attain greater satisfaction in their lives and careers.

Jill earned her coaching certification (HCC) from the Hudson Institute of Coaching in Santa Barbara. In addition, she is a Certified Enneagram Practitioner (IEQ9), is certified in Psychological Safety, has attained the Leadership Circle Profil Certification, and is experienced with other tools and assessments, including Emotional Intelligence (EQi), MyersBriggs (MBTI), DiSC, Immunity to Change, and Leading Indicator Systems (LIS) 360.

With experience in coaching, consulting, and technology services, Jill delivers value through a unique combination of corporate experience and coaching perspective and empathy. She earned a BA from Northwestern University and an MBA from Kellogg School of Management. Her previous experience includes corporate leadership roles in technology services startups and consulting, and running a non-profit organization dedicated to administering funding for research to benefit U.S. military veterans.

Jill often speaks and facilitates workshops and events on leadership and career-related topics to local, national, and global audiences with participants numbering from a dozen to hundreds.

Executive Coach and Founder of The Possible Life, Inc.. I collaborate with companies to cultivate the leadership talent needed to excel in an ever-changing world. My work has a transformative impact, enabling both the organization and the individual to make meaningful contributions to their business and communities.